Cedar Ridge Elementary saw an 11.22% growth in their Overall ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Index Score (with the state average being 1.33%). The Arkansas Department of Education has named Cedar Ridge as a School on the Move Toward Excellence. We are #17 out of 1046 schools in ESSA growth state-wide. We are also #9 out of 523 elementary schools in ESSA growth-state wide. Thank you teachers and students for your all hard work, and thank you parents for your continued support! Here are a few highlights of the growth we have seen --
#4 in the co-cop area for growth in science
#4 in the co-op area for science achievement
#3 in the co-op area for growth in reading at grade level
#2 in the co-op area for growth in weighted achievement
#1 in the co-op area for growth in student engagement
#1 in the co-op area for growth in overall SQSS
#1 in the co-op area for growth in value added growth