Game Added -- The Sr. High football team has added a game to their schedule. They will play at Marvell-Elaine on Friday, October 4th at 7:00pm. ONLY Sr. High will be playing.
Today's home tennis match against Ridgefield Christian has been moved from 4:30pm to 4:00pm.
There will be NO After School today due to Parent Teacher Conferences.
Reminder - There is NO SCHOOL for students this Wednesday, September 25th.
Parents/Guardians: There will be no after school on-campus activities today. This includes athletics, clubs, After School care, and tutoring. This does not include the football game as the team will still be traveling to Hermitage tonight. Thank you for understanding.
In addition, we ask that parents drop students off at the front doors tomorrow morning while remaining in your vehicles. This of course only applies to car riders. If you must walk your child in, please first check in at the office. Thank you!
Parents/Guardians: None of the threats reported today were directed towards the Cedar Ridge School District. We did, however, respond to the threats immediately as though they could have been directed towards our school.
As of now, parents/guardians and students can expect a regular day of school tomorrow.
We will have an enhanced level of security in addition to our normal level of security. This measure of security is intended to make you feel better and not worse about attending school.
We do understand that it is your decision as to whether or not to send your child to school.
We are proud of the actions by the faculty and staff as well as the administration and on-campus security officers. The Independence County Sheriff's office is also to be commended for offering their help and expertise.
We do encourage all parents/guardians to monitor their children's social media presence. The school relies on your help. Watching the children's receiving and sending of posts is important during times like today.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the superintendent's office. It does "take a village" and we are proud of our village. Thank you.
Parents/Guardians: There will be no after school activities today. This includes athletics, clubs, After School care, and tutoring. Thank you for understanding.
Parents/Guardians: We are aware of circulating messages and screenshots of threats being made against our local schools. We take this matter seriously, and are enhancing our safety protocols to ensure a secure environment. Safety is our top priority, and we want parents to use their discretion when sending their children to school.
If you have any information regarding these threats, we urge you to contact your local law enforcement and/or the Superintendent’s Office.
The tennis match scheduled for Monday, September 23rd against Tuckerman has been moved to Allen Park Jonesboro. The match will start at 3:00pm.
The Peewee football game scheduled for Saturday, September 21st at home has been moved to Augusta. Our football field will not be playable due to the heavy rain and extremely muddy playing conditions this past Friday. Augusta has agreed to host again with the 3rd/4th game beginning at 9:00am, and the 5th/6th game immediately following.
The tennis match scheduled for tomorrow, September 17th against Marked Tree has been cancelled.
There will be NO peewee football practice today due to wet field conditions.
The A-State preview trip scheduled for today has been canceled due to illness. It will be rescheduled for another day.
The tennis match against EPC today has been cancelled due to weather.
Today's tennis match against Earle has been cancelled.
Today's tennis match is canceled due to excessive heat. This match will be made up on 9/26 here at Cedar Ridge starting at 4:30pm.
The volleyball game on Thursday, August 29th against ICC is at HOME at 4:30pm. The game was previously scheduled to be away. Sorry for the confusion.
The 21CCLC After School Program will start today, August 26, 2024. If you have filled out the forms and have NOT heard from the school, your student should be approved to attend. Teachers and the offices should have a list if you need to verify.
Cedar Ridge School District wanted to reach out to all the parents of homeschooled students within the Cedar Ridge attendance zone.
We have an exciting opportunity coming up for you! Our Special Education Director will be available to discuss the Special Education and Related Services available to qualifying students on the following dates: August 23rd, 2024 8:00 am-9:00 am
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Jessica Pretty at 870-201-2577.